It is important to take care of our spine as much as possible in order to prepare for what the future may hold. Better check your weight all the time so that you would be able to maintain the ideal weight. Thus, better have a weighing scale at home so that would reveal that doing the right amount of core exercises at least three to four times a week would mean great things for your spine.

It is a good thing there are many core exercises to do like sit ups, crunches, and mountain climbers. At first, it would feel like you can really do them. The longer you do these things, the more they get difficult and that is when you will feel how effective they are to your body. Yes, these core exercises do a lot more than just giving you a flat stomach. After all, you will feel a bit motivated to do it when you eat a lot of food which would make you feel a bit bloated right now. It is never a good feeling and doing cardio exercises will actually work your core too.

As a matter of fact, doing exercises such as jogging and playing basketball would help. While doing daily exercise, better try and increase the strength of your legs and hips through various routines such as squats. At first, you can take it easy. As time passes by, you can carry a barbell to make it a bit more challenging until the time when the barbell becomes a bit heavier than what you were expecting.

One important way to take care of your spine would be to eliminate all of your terrible habits like smoking and drinking. if you are used to smoking plenty of cigarettes each day then the technique would be to get rid of that habit little by little.

Maybe try and subtracting one stick from your daily intake until it becomes nothing. Of course, you must be aware that you are trying to make it worth your while since second hand smoke to your loved ones at home would make it much worse for them. As a result, better do it when you get the chance.

Delaying this would not be good according to as you may always forget to do it when it actually matters. Also, the proper lifting techniques must be implemented.
