Anyone who’s ever seen the movies Erin Brockovich or A Civil Action knows that the legal system in the United States is complex and hard to navigate. Even when you feel you have a strong case, it can be difficult to know what your options are and how best to proceed with your case without help from an attorney. This article explains why you might need to consult with a professional lawyer, how to do so effectively, and what you can expect from their services.

1. You’re being sued

More often than not, if someone is suing you because of a personal injury, property loss, or some kind of contract dispute, they are going to need legal representation. This is especially true if the matter in question is complex or the opposing party has expressed a desire to litigate. If your opposition hires an attorney and you do not, you may appear uncooperative and even not credible during depositions or negotiations.

2. The matter is particularly complicated

Very few people are fluent in the legalese, specific procedures, and regulations of all 50 states. If you’re trying to sue an insurance company for a denied claim, get compensation for a minor injury, or enforce a contract that’s full of technical terms such as “novation” or “tort,” an expert lawyer may be needed to make sure your legal documents are filed correctly and that you don’t leave out any key information. This is especially true if you are arguing against an opponent who has hired their own personal injury lawyer.

3. You’re inexperienced with lawsuits

If this is the first time you’re hiring a lawyer, you may be unsure how exactly to go about doing it. Filling out legal documents can be confusing and even intimidating, especially when you need to make sure that everything is worded in a way that will be advantageous for your case.

4. Your case involves multiple jurisdictions

If your case involves laws from more than one state, the laws of multiple states may be applied or enforced selectively in order for your claim or defense to be successful. Some states may have jurisdiction over certain aspects of the incident only; others may have jurisdiction over other aspects.

5. Your case involves complex legal issues

If your legal dispute involves complex legal issues, such as copyright infringement or a contractual dispute, the person who can help you most may not be your own lawyer. An attorney skilled at handling these matters will be able to read between the lines and tell you where things are going wrong in your case so you can make adjustments accordingly. is your one-stop for news and information about the law that can help you with your business, legal issues, or educational needs. Contact us today for more information about how our services can help you.
